Friday, March 27, 2020

Student and Tutor Relationship - Helping Students Get More Out of School

Student and Tutor Relationship - Helping Students Get More Out of SchoolA student and tutor relationship can be a great way to expand your knowledge, skills and abilities in college or university. It can also be a powerful learning experience for you as a teacher. The first step in a good relationship is to get to know the student and their families. This allows you to be more open with their needs and concerns.There are many things that you should discuss with your student including their grades, time management, studying, how much they are doing in class, and some personal issues. By talking with the student you can get them to understand more about what you are trying to accomplish and encourage their learning.Many students get annoyed when their parents ask for such information, but it is very important to show the student that their success in school depends on how well they do. As a teacher it is also important to know what the student likes, dislikes, does not like, and any qu estions that might arise. This allows you to give the student more attention. Some students will not like the pressure of a teacher that asks too many questions, while others enjoy it.Tutors are often called upon to help students overcome any difficulties that they may have in studies. A student and tutor relationship can become more of a dynamic team by working together. You both have something unique in common, and you can learn from each other. You can provide tips, support, and information, as well as help the student with any difficulties that they may encounter.If you find that you have different interests that you share, it may be helpful for you to join in on the extra work that is required of a tutor. Sometimes, the student and tutor don't need extra responsibilities, but if there is something that needs to be done, this will allow you to bond more with the student. Even if you only get two hours of tutoring a week, it will pay off big timeif you can go from being a student to a mentor and also stay updated with the class schedule. By doing this, you will have a powerful educational relationship with your student.When it comes to the teaching component of the student and tutor relationship, one of the most important steps is to sit down with the student and explain to them that you will be their personal tutor. This might be something that you both feel that is important for you to do. These types of situations are usually created by someone else who does not fully understand the student. With a student and tutor relationship, you have an opportunity to set your own limits on who you will sit down with and how much work that you will be doing.If you are looking for a new school to go to, or you just need to start the college or university path, remember that a good student and a good tutor is a powerful relationship that can take you places. Don't be afraid to go the extra mile.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Singing Lessons - Yoga for the Voice

Singing Lessons - Yoga for the Voice Suzy S. When I first began my professional singing career, still in my teens, I was extremely dissatisfied with the explanations I had been given for how and why the singing voice works. I just couldnt make my voice do the things I wanted it to. Admittedly, I had pretty high expectations. Fortunately, I went to my public library and happened on a copy of Science and Singing by the late, great Ernest George White of London, England. After decades of scientific research, White discovered how the voice and vocal tone actually originate in the four sets of sinus cavities in the head, not in the throat/vocal cords, as was previously believed. White taught people to speak who had had their vocal cords surgically removed just by training them in controlling the air in their sinus cavities. He explains in his book that the air vibrating in an enclosed space (the head) acts as a musical instrument, similar to a flute or a recorder or even air moving through a keyhole and producing sound. He felt that the vocal cords, or vocal folds as he preferred to call them, merely aided in regulating the flow of breath from the lungs up to the head, where the sound was actually produced. Unfortunately for me, White had already passed away in 1940, so I began my own attempts at playing with the air in my sinus cavities. After many months of study, pretty much by trial and error, I found that I was actually a first soprano, not a second soprano, as I had thought. I found that it took much less air and a lot of control to maintain my high notes, but that I now HAD control. And I really began to develop my own unique singing voice, after years of trying to sound like everyone else that I admired. Wow even my high expectations had been reached. When I moved to Austin a few years later, I began teaching singing lessons in Austin (and piano) as my day job. I taught all kinds of people how to sing and speak, from age 8 to age 72. Many of my students found great success with playing with the air in their sinuses remarking that, although they hadnt had success with traditional exercises, they could now make their voices sound clearer and they could control the voice. There is a lot of joy in learning that what was once a mystery can be placed under control in a fun and musical way. But what actually ended up putting the true icing on the cake for what I now call Yoga For the Voice technique was my study of kundalini yoga, and subsequent training as a kundalini yoga instructor. I found that by incorporating yogic breathing and exercises, and sometimes even chanting yoga mantras, my students and I were able to make even more progress in controlling our vocal instruments. Not to mention the improvements in health, speaking voice, keeping the sinuses free and clear, and gains in personal confidence. Some of the benefits we discovered: You learn exactly what your vocal range is and why your vocal range is determined by the shape, number and quality of the sinus cavities in your head. You discover how to create the very best tone your voice is capable of making when you can keep as many muscles as possible out of the way of creating a pure tone in the head, you have the basis of beautiful, unencumbered musical sound. You feel the difference in your own body singing feels healthy, beautiful and under your control. If it feels right, it actually is right. The reverse is true as well if it feels wrong, then there is some work to be done, usually in releasing some tension and muscular effort that is getting in the way of the tone. A side benefit includes keeping the sinuses free and clear it actually helps your overall health in addition to your vocal health. Ernest G. Whites sinus exercises have been used solely for the purpose of keeping the head cavities clear, and can be helpful for people with allergies and other problems which create mucus in the sinuses. Whites exercises can be used to improve your speaking voice and your vocal projection they are excellent for actors, teachers and public speakers as well as for singers. In general, if one is just using the exercises for speaking purposes, the vocal range is more limited and focused on the actual speaking voice than in singing training. For children, I tend to break it down to very basic, easy-to-understand exercises. I think the sinus concepts are too difficult for most children to grasp, so I try to give them exercises they can easily understand and have fun with. In the beginning stages of vocal training, a typical Yoga For the Voice lesson will consist of three parts. First I teach the student two different kundalini breathing techniques that have proven useful to the singing student. We next begin the sinus exercises from Ernest George Whites teachings, starting to find what I like to term the musical architecture inside the voice students head, i.e. her/his particular set of sinus cavities. The last part consists of integrating what we have learned into full body exercises, which enable the student to start to experience her/his full vocal instrument, from the solar plexus to the top of the head. I sometimes use traditional vocal exercises for this step or, depending on the student, chanting exercises. If you are interested in exploring Yoga For the Voice further, my voice lessons are available privately at my music studio in Austin, Texas. See voice lessons in Austin TX. ABOUT gfire gfire is a Kundalini yoga instructor, and a professional singer-songwriter, DJ, voice and piano teacher in Austin, Texas. She has taught literally hundreds of students how to use their voices more effectively.

Are You Prepared for the SAT Physics Subject Test

Are You Prepared for the SAT Physics Subject Test The SAT physics subject test is an hour-long algebra-based physics exam with 75 multiple-choice questions. It covers a broad range of topics, primarily: Mechanics ElectricityMagnetismWavesOpticsThermodynamicsModern physicsIf you want to take the SAT physics subject test but aren’t sure if you are going to be prepared for it by the end of the school year, then you might want to start by comparing the course syllabus for your physics class in school with the topics on the SAT physics subject test.The AP ExamNotably, the AP Physics 1 exam tests Mechanics, some Waves, and some Electricity. It does not test Magnetism, Optics, Thermodynamics, or Modern Physics, and only tests some of the Electricity concepts that can appear on the SAT physics subject test. So, if you are in an AP Physics 1 course that will be covering only content tested on the AP Physics 1 exam, then you will have been taught roughly 50% of the content tested on the SAT physics subject test by the time you take the AP P hysics 1 exam in May.On the other hand, if you are taking an AP Physics 2 course, you will likely have been taught all of the content tested on the SAT physics subject test by the time you take the AP Physics 2 exam in May. The AP Physics 2 exam tests essentially all of the topics on the SAT physics subject test (plus fluids) except mechanics and some wave concepts, which students are expected to have learned prior to taking an AP Physics 2 course. Lastly, the two AP Physics C exams cover mechanics (with calculus) and electricity and magnetism (with calculus) respectively. If you take an AP Physics C course that prepares you for both the AP Physics C mechanics exam and the AP Physics C electricity and magnetism exam and doesnt cover additional topics, then you will have learned roughly 60% of the content tested on the SAT physics subject test by the time you take the AP Physics C exams in May.Further ReadingThe official College Board links to pages with information about topics test ed on both exams can be found below:SAT Physics Subject TestAP Physics 1AP Physics 2AP Physics C MechanicsAP Physics C Electricity and MagnetismIf you are interested in taking the physics subject test but have content gaps, please feel free to reach out to us for a consultation!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Different Ways to Say NO in English - Learn English with Harry

Different Ways to Say NO in English - Learn English with Harry English native speakers like to be polite. If you havent already visited How to say sorry in English, go and do it now. Here Im going to teach you different ways to say NO in English. Learn formal and informal ways of saying NO.  The word NO is very short and negative and emphatic. However, sometimes when we wish to say NO  there are more polite ways to do it. I have set out below a number of different ways to say NO in English  that you can use in different circumstances. Examples are given to help to explain the meaning  better. Sometimes when we want to say NO we try not to be rude or to hurt someone’s feelings so we  prefer to use a variety of words that still mean NO. Here are some useful English words and expressions that mean NO. Polite Ways to Say NO in English I AM AFRAID NOT This is probably one of the most polite ways to say NO in English. You may be asked to go to a party or meet your friends for something to eat. You  would like to go but for some reason you are unable to attend. In this situation you can turn down  the invitation in a polite way.For example,   your friend Mary asks: Are you going to come to the party  tonight in Ian’s house? I am afraid not I promised to babysit for my Aunt and I cannot let her down.NOT REALLY Not quite, not particularly. In this situation you are asked what you might like to do. You would prefer to do  something else or indeed you might prefer to do nothing. Here you can use the phrase Not Really.For example, Irina asks whether you would like to go to the cinema to see the new James Bond movie. You would  prefer to stay in . You reply not really I would prefer to stay at home tonight I have an early start  tomorrow. Ways to Say NO in English - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: Facebook Reddit Twitter Vkontakte POSSIBLY/PROBABLY NOT Where you may not feel that you are likely to succeed but you are still going  to try then you can use either Probably or Possibly not.For example, you are about to take your  driving test. Your friend asks you whether you will pass it. You can reply probably not but I will try  my best. You can also use perhaps not with the same meaning.For example, will Javier pass that  maths test? I am not sure, perhaps not but he is studying hard.NOT TO MY KNOWLEDGE This is a much more formal denial. This would be best used in a business  context where you do not really know the person, to whom you are talking, very well.For example, David comes into your office to ask if the latest shipment from London has arrived. Not to  my knowledgebut I was away yesterday so it could have come in when I  was not here. I will check and get back to you. Less Polite Ways to Say NO in English CERTAINLY NOT This is a much more firm denial or refusal and can be used when you want the person  you are talking to, to be clear as to what you mean.For example, your son asks you if he can cycle  to his friends house to watch the match. You reply: Certainly not. The match ends at 11 pm and you  have school tomorrow and it is too dangerous to cycle back home so late. There is no doubt that you  mean no.YOU MUST BE JOKING When you cannot believe that someone is serious about something you can  use the phrase you must be joking or you’re joking? (no !).For example, your wife tells you that your neighbours are getting divorced. Wow, you’re joking ? They only got married 2 years ago. What happened?NO WAY! Sometimes said as a joke or also as a more serious statement. Usually used to tell  somebody that you cannot agree with what they have said.For example, your friend asks you to  lend him €50 . You reply: No way! I still didn’t get back the last €50 I lent you last month!! orYour friend Michael calls you to tell you he is leaving his job to go back to University to become a pilot.  You reply: No way! That is great news. It’s what you always wanted to do. English Vocabulary Phrases to Learn to turn down to refuseto let somebody down to disappoint somebodyshipment deliveryThats it for today. Make sure to use other ways to say NO in English in your next conversation.

6 Types Of Internship Supervisors You May Have

6 Types Of Internship Supervisors You May Have 1. The no-nonsense This supervisor is probably exactly what you think of when you hear the word ‘supervisor.’ They aren’t necessarily evil and cruel, but they aren’t the person you spill all your gossip to either. The no-nonsense supervisor is exactly what they seem like: they supervise you. They make you feel constantly observed and that isn’t completely a bad thing. When your supervisor expects the best from you, you will often deliver your best. You’ll learn to manage your own work and efforts extremely efficiently under their watch. Don’t fret if you make mistakes even no nonsense supervisors are human. They know you won’t be perfect all the time. 2. The trying too hard to be cool This supervisor may be the person you spill all your gossip to simply because they’ve spilled all their gossip to you. They are likely trying way too hard to be friends with all of their employees because they believe it’ll enhance their relationships. While being friendly isn’t a detriment, sometimes it can be easy to mistreat them as your superior. Many employees may get too comfortable and forget that this supervisor can decide the fate of your career. Be sure to maintain an amount of friendliness with them, but keep up a level of respect even though you may not feel you have to. Odds are, they will appreciate it. 3. The inviter The inviter supervisor doesn’t want to simply know about your life, but might even try to get way too involved in it. This supervisor is constantly sending emails to the entire company about volunteering opportunities, extra projects to work on, even inspirational videos that may not be all that inspirational. You are constantly creating the appearance of a busy life to dodge all their attempts at making you work outside of work. While at first you may be coerced into doing these to further yourself in the working ranks, you soon realize trying to keep up with everything is exhausting and not always rewarding. Start choosing what to go to. Don’t ditch on everything, but find a few things you might find at least some reward from and go to them. This way, everybody stays happy and active. 4. The awkward This boss will attempt at being friendly, but the conversations usually devolve into silence before too long. Despite their good intentions, the awkward supervisor just doesn’t really connect with their employees. It may just be their age or their interests, maybe just their personality in general, but something keeps them from joining the popular group among the other workers. Unfortunately, they’re probably well aware of this. If you see them attempting to make small talk, do be engaging. Give them a smile and polite answers just so they know that you do appreciate the effort. 5. The distracted The distracted supervisor seems very attentive, but they just happen to be attentive to everything. Their desk is likely riddled with sticky notes and reminders and they can’t ever find the file they’ve been looking for. When you ask for help on something, they will be all ears. Yet a week later when you’ve gotten nowhere and heard nothing about what you asked, you realize they’ve forgotten completely. You may think that you are not important or your supervisor is just aloof, but the case is probably that they simply have a lot on their plate and may not be the best at organizing. Don’t feel bad about sending follow up emails or remarks reminding them about previous conversations. Nagging can sometimes be the most effective way to get things done. 6. The no show You met this supervisor for about 30 seconds while you were being shown around on your first day. They might have even been on the phone then, too. You have no idea which category your supervisor fits into because they haven’t been around enough to know. The no show supervisor always seems to be in a meeting, away at lunch, or vacationing in the tropics. You mostly receive information from the more experienced coworkers and hope that you’re doing everything right. And sending them a quick email feels odd because you aren’t completely sure of their first name. Keep trying to find ways of connecting with them, but odds are, if no one has stopped you yet, just keep doing what you’re doing. Regardless of what personality your supervisor has, maintaining a firm and positive relationship with them is of the utmost importance. Remember to be kind, calm and collected and you’ll be sure to reap the benefits of having a great supervisor relationship. Looking for a top internship in an exciting city? Enroll in Dream Careers and guarantee yourself an internship and a fun summer in your choice of 11 cities globally. To visit our website, please click here.

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! Since 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress, till the present day July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence. is wishing all tutors, parents and students a fantastic the Fourth of July holiday, filled with fun, joy and pride in our country. This historical day is an awesome opportunity to celebrate Americas freedom together with friends, family and loved ones. It is a perfect time to enjoy dazzling fireworks, rockets glare, barbecues, cookouts, outdoor games and festive parades.  Have a great Independence Day! Sincerely, The Team Email: Phone: (805) 288-7338

Why you need a Linkedin Account

Why you need a Linkedin Account Photo credit user The SeaFarer face it in this ever changing, digital age, you need a Linkedin account.We dont go to college for nothing. Nearly every college student has a reason for working toward that higher degree whether it be a concrete career path, or just the idea of making more money than a high school diploma will bring in. Today, social media dictates the  business world, and having a Linkedin account could open up otherwise unseen opportunities. In fact, the Business Journal reported an astounding 81% increase in business utilizing Linkedin to find potential employees. From the freelancer to the established corner office professional to the entrepreneur, Linkedin can make the difference between a job an a career. Here is what Linkedin has to offer: A Free Profile! And what could be better? Just like Facebook, this business-minded social media site offers free membership. (They also offer a premium membership for a nominal monthly fee, but honestly, the free version works just fine). Connections- These can be like-minded people, other students, people you met through your internship or summer job- anyone really. The perk to having connections is that they lead you to  other connections.  Networking at its digital age finest. You can research connections by industry or job title. Ask yourself what your goals are. Looking to become a teacher? Lawyer? Philanthropist?  Search these particular titles, and look through the profiles. You might just find a mentor. Groups- Linkedin offers groups for people with the same interests. Writers can find a plethora of groups to join with tons of helpful hints from other writers, blog conversations, and even job listings. Whether you are an architect, plumber, or sales person, Linkedin has a group for you. Job listings! One of the unique features Linkedin offers is a job section. Search for any position in any location and you will surely find something of interest. If businesses are forking over the cash to invest in Linkedin, its the least you can do to set up your free profile. You are going to college to create a promising future why not get a jump start on some opportunities?